Service Projects
OJSL members participate in service projects, fundraising events, and social events throughout the year to support a variety of needs and causes. Some of the ways members are serving the community this year and in years past include:
Members of this committee provide snacks, paper products, and drinks to the families of the patients at the Olathe Hospice House every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year.

Once a month committee members help the Starfish Project with projects as needed. It could be sorting, creating items such as blankets, preparing blessing bags and more. Donations are needed to help with the projects from time to time.

Cyclone Closet Staffing
at Sante Fe Trail Middle School
This committee provides staffing for the clothing closet at Santa Fe Trail Middle School. Committee members volunteer during the day or for some evening events to assist in sorting, hanging, and organizing donations.
Homeless Outreach
in the Olathe School District
This committee works with Olathe Schools to provide cleaning and laundry products to families in need during a Back-to-School event. The chairs are responsible for ordering and delivering the supplies as well as working at the event.

Senior Living Bingo
at Good Samaritan & Anthology
This project coordinates bingo at Good Samaritan Nursing Home once a month. Committee members volunteer for daytime or evening events and provide treats